Cemimax Floor
Self Leveling Compounds
Imperial Flooring Australia offers distribution services for Cemimax floor self-levelling compounds and floor preparation products all over Australia. We cater to projects of any scale, whether it's for residential or commercial purposes. Partner with us for your next project and enjoy direct access to the manufacturers, eliminating the need for middlemen.

Cemimax DL55 is an advanced cement and polymer based levelling and smoothing compound. DL55 is formulated for experienced commercial contractors to smooth and level large commercial and retail areas. Once dry it is suitable for the application of vinyl, carpet, timber and tile floor finishes. Unlike normal hydration levellers, DL55 will harden and dry at temperatures down to 10°C.
1.5mm - 75mm in one application with a 35MPa rating.
Packaging: 20kg Bag
Coverage: approx 4m2 @ 3mm thick
Dry Time: 2 hours
Working Time: 20 - 30 mins
Water / Compound Ratio: 4.4L / 20kg bag
Colour: Grey
Compressive Strength
After 1 day approx. 15MPa
After 7 days approx. 25MPa
After 28 days approx. 35MPa
Tensile Bending Strength
After 1 day approx. 5MPa
After 7 days approx. 7MPa
After 28 days approx. 10MPa
Key Features
1.5mm - 75mm in one pour
Suitable for all floor coverings
Super Smooth – Require no sanding
35MPa rating
Internal application
Rapid Hardening - Walkable from 2hours
Suitable for underfloor heating
Superior flow – fast application
Flexible – Hand mix or pump applications
Approx 4m2 @ 3 mm thick coverage
Best Price in the market

Cemimax DL59 is a cement based leveling compound with very high compressive strength to C40. DL59 is especially suitable for high traffic, heavy wear locations. DL59 can be also used as overlays for polished concrete finishes. 1.5mm - 40mm in one application with a 40MPa rating. Suitable for all floor coverings:
Timber, Vinyl, Hybrid, Laminate, Carpet, Tiles, Parquetry etc,
Packaging: 20kg Bag
Coverage: approx 4m2 @ 3mm thick
Dry Time: 2 hours
Working Time: 20 - 30 mins
Water / Compound Ratio: 4L - 4.4L / 20kg bag
Colour: Grey
Compressive Strength
After 1 day approx. 15MPa
After 7 days approx. 25MPa
After 28 days approx. 40MPa
Tensile Bending Strength
After 1 day approx. 5MPa
After 7 days approx. 7MPa
After 28 days approx. 10MPa
**This product can be poured over tiles, timber, concrete, plywood etc substrates.. Flexible universal compound***
Key Features
1.5mm - 40mm in one pour
Suitable for all floor coverings
Super Smooth – Require no sanding
40MPa rating
Extremely high strength of compressive and bending
Internal / External Application
Designed for heavy traffic ( Carparks, Warehousing, Balconies, Shopping Centres etc)
Can be polished
Can add stones or colours to the compound
Highly Flexible compound
Rapid Hardening - Walkable in 2hours
Suitable for underfloor heating
Flexible – Hand mix or pump applications
Superior flow – fast application
Approx 4m2 @ 3mm thick coverage
C40 Flex 60%
Best Price in the market

Cemimax DP70 is a low emission, multi-purpose dispersion primer for for existing surfaces on indoor & outdoor applications.
Use on surfaces with well-bonded, waterproof adhesive
and smoothing compound residues.
Packaging: Plastic bucket
Pack size:
20 kg / 16L
5 kg / 4L
Shelf-life:12 months
Working temperature: +5°C - 35°C
Consumption: Approx. 12m2 /1 Litre
Touch Dry: 15-20mins
Drying time: 4-6 hours